Post 629: Stay tuned!

Dear Reader,

Tom von Kapherr, whose “Cats at the Bar” blog is a longtime favorite of mine, suggested he and I collaborate on a list of blogs we feel have exceptional interest and merit, maybe even create a regular “award” celebrating these blogs. At least, we’ll post one collaborative blog on New Years and see where it takes us — and you!

I had my doubts. Not that I couldn’t pull up a list of worthy blogs, but that I’d run into the  dreaded realization that I really, really like a lot of blogs. My list easily can extend over several pages or be broken into several posts. Tom’s list, of course, still is to be revealed, and may be long, too! Though I’ve no doubt there will be overlaps, we may get a surprise and have that dreaded multi-part post I note above!

(Should I hide like Dougy? )

(Should I hide like Dougy? )

To date, I’ve buckled down and made my tentative list, made [Print Screen] images from the selected blogs that give some sense of what I like about them, and now I’ll spend a little time creating the text to e-mail off to Tom so he can see my selections and add his.

Will our first collaboration be a hit or a miss? Stay tuned!


Doug Thomas, AKA weggieboy


19 thoughts on “Post 629: Stay tuned!

    • I hope everyone understands the list isn’t every blog we follow that we think is significant, just a sampling. Ever since I completed my list, I’ve viewed other blogs, thought, “Oh shit! [yes, the “s” word!] This is ever as good as any I chose, and now I feel bad I didn’t include it, too…!” Fair? Absolutely not. My list could have been all kitty blogs, each worthy of a follow (including you!), but I only included one with a Persian cat that reminds me of Andy and Dougy except she’s a girl cat.

      • That’s what I mean. You start realizing how many great blogs you know and the merits of each, then OMG next thing you know you have a stress ulcer 🙂 Have a great night tonight, however you choose to celebrate!

        • I’ll probably fall asleep before 12! Ha! I’m reasonably predictable that way. Though I have some alcoholic drinks on hand (mostly single malt scotches), I probably won’t feel like any tonight. I do have some mulled wine on hand, which is a nice warm drink on a very cold day like today!

    • Yes, it’s Dougy! You got it right. Anyway, this list is “iffy” in that I can’t post everything I like or it’d be a mile long~! Of course, I can still recommend them in my comments when someone I like comments or in my text if there’s an opportunity to add it.

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