Post 921: Change’s coming…ick!

I think the forecast is for rain today. Felt more like snow was coming yesterday afternoon. Ick! 

Not Dougy's first rodeo, yet he always wants to be the first kitty to inspect new snow.

Dougy loves the snow! (This photo is from last year.)

Dougy finds snow interesting and always wants to explore it when I open the door. Since he’s an inside kitty, I have to disappoint him and shut the door before he gets outside.

I have let him explore a little outside, but he quickly follows his nose. That is to say, he’d end up in Alberta by suppertime and not know how he got there if I let him wander! 

10 thoughts on “Post 921: Change’s coming…ick!

  1. I too thought snow had arrived at your place, Now I can get my heart to relax knowing it was from last year. I hope that’s about the amount of snow we get this year. Usually the front door needs a powerful push to get open a wee bit. We use the garage door.
    I for one would love to see Dougy way up here in BC. He wouldn’t go this far. haha


    • I always have a drift that blocks the front door and another that blocks the back door. Fortunately, since I’m retired, I rarely have any place I have to be before they come around and scoop the walks.

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