Post 1037: a slow morning in Kittylandia…

Dougy walks through the sunlight, changing his many colors of "dark".

Dougy walks through the sunlight, changing his many colors of “dark”. (He also avoids being in focus because he’s interested in the webcam cable…!)

Andy just enjoys the sun and a look outside for morning birdies.

Andy just enjoys the sun and a look outside for morning birdies.

I try for one more photo of Dougy. It's a bit more successful, but the webcam cable really, really, really interests my little furball!

I try for one more photo of Dougy.
It’s a bit more successful, but the webcam cable really, really, really interests my little furball!

15 thoughts on “Post 1037: a slow morning in Kittylandia…

    • Andy how! I really should pay attention to the time, though, since I start the Monday-Wednesday-Friday dialysis schedule this morning. That’s only two hours away and I haven’t done much toward getting ready to go!

      Had a note from Marianne, who is really pleased with the Elbert memorial planting on your farm and can’t wait to see how it turns out!

    • Dougy’s having a fit about something, but gets upset when I pick him up and sternly ask him, “auf Deutsch” for extra emphasis, “Was ist los, Katze?!” I think I figured it out, though: I left breakfast dishes on his personal ottoman and he wants on it! Oops!

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