Post 1664: sneaking up…!

Minding their own business for a change. Dougy (left) and Andy join me in our little meeting place, Dougy on his ottoman, Andy on his end table, and me on the glide rocker. What could go wrong?


Woo hoo! Me giving Andy “wuv” (love) when he doesn’t want the attention! I’m “skritching” the darling kitty boy whether he wants it or not!


Mwahahaha! Now I move on to “scritch attack” Douglas! 

I enjoy surprising the kitty boys with “wuv”.


24 thoughts on “Post 1664: sneaking up…!

    • I’d really enjoy being close enough to where you live to give you “scritches”! You and the kitty boys looks enough to be siblings, though we know you aren’t!

  1. You should have picked up Doug – the sibling rivalry would have made And jealous enough to want a scritch!!
    Sorry I haven’t commented lately – too many posts to read, not enough time to type (especially with my 4-finger style!!)

    • I have you beat by two fingers! LOL! Hunt-and-peck is not an efficient system for typing, but that;s how I learned (on my own) as a little kid. I know what you mean, too, about commenting and having too many posts to read. I recently cut back to only those closest to my interests. I’d followed several as courtesy follows, and they slowed down my Reader time quite a bit.

    • Very true! Andy will protest if he really doesn’t want to be bothered by grabbing my had with all four paws! If that doesn’t get his point across, he adds a few teeth into the “message”!

    • LOL! Dougy takes it like a big boy, but Andy sometimes prefers it when he’s ready! I know that secret spot on their chests, however, where “scritches” turn them into drooling kittens! (Andy licks my hand while I do it, a real departure from his reserved nature!)

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