Post 1845: Dougy wakes up to the news.

Dougy waits for the news. It is the perfect way to wake up in the morning!


y2 dougy yawns

“If you can’t handle the news, Dougy, I suggest you stop watching it.”

39 thoughts on “Post 1845: Dougy wakes up to the news.

  1. I would love to get my paws on that book!! Even Canada has heard some news on the new book.

    Dougy is offering his opinion of the news and we totally agree. You folk need a statesman and dignitary to represent the US. This Rump guy is not for you….no lasting respect for or from him.

    Shoko and Jean

  2. I cut the umbilical with “the news” several years ago, life is better. The state of this country is pathetic. Obstructionist Democrats, are you listening? And so much more…

    • The blame game and the belief the other fellow is the bad guy get in the way of the reality that all of us love America and are on the same team.

      Too much “your guy did such-and-such” followed by “no, your guy did much worse and got away with it, though there is just my word for it…and that of a meme on Facebook” instead of everyone looking forward to what can be if each side gives in a little.

  3. I don’t watch the television especially news!!!!! but sometimes I hear news from people and I try to understand what’s going on in the world… My cats like to watch football 🙂

    Thank you for you all, you are great team and I love you, nia

    • “It was the best of times. It was the worst of times.” Yep! Fortunately, Dougy, Andy, and I live alone, so our screams don’t alarm anyone! LOL!

    • You know it, chuq~! We were listening to a piece on the new Woodward book. (It was the taped conversation between Trump and Woodward., a lie-fest for sure! )

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