Site icon WEGGIEBOY'S BLOG by Doug Thomas

Post 457: Some scenes from 1971-1972

I enjoyed the apartment on Beethovenstrasse. I rode my 10 speed to and from work at the 69th Signal Co. (Photo) home base when I wasn’t on the road filming “stuff”.

From the window of the apartment on Beethovenstrasse, Kaiserslautern.

Beethovenstrasse street scene, Kaiserslautern, 1971

Beethovenstrasse ran to Richard-Wagnerstrasse, which lead to the main train station, from which I took the trains to Paris, Strasbourg, and (with Ralph, Deborah, and Tim on a little antique steam locomotive-drawn local) to the Deutsche Weinstrasse for a pleasant outing to Deidesheim and vicinity to make sure the Germans were making good wine from that year’s vintage…! (Oh, they were!)

How we looked after the trip to Deidesheim.

In time, I will scan photos of the vintage in Hunawihr, France, where the same cast of characters (sans Tim, unfortunately – he’d have enjoyed that trip immensely!) helped harvest grapes on the side of a hill leading up to the local church.

Hunawihr is a few kilometers south of Ribeauville, and Ralph and I had to walk the final three kilometers (just short of two miles) at that because the local milk train didn’t go that far. But we were young, the walk was good, and we had a lovely liver and onion supper at the inn where we stayed when we arrived at Hunawihr. Yeah. Liver and onions. In France! But it was the best liver and onions I ever ate!

Deborah borrowed my camera to take some souvenir photos of Hunawihr. When I got the film processed after I returned to Kaiserslautern, this charming photo was among those she’d taken!

You can see the hill and the church if you go to Google Earth and type in Hunawihr, France in the search box. I'd post a copy of the image were it not a violation of copyright and the agreement one agrees to on downloading it…! (I'm tempted, I mean! But…!) Hunawihr's a beautiful little wine-producing village you can "visit" via Google Earth's street view feature.

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