Post 1028: Mother’s Day

My mother died January 5, 2013, a few weeks short of age 99. Today, I am reminded of her passing because I have no mother to call, to give a card, a kiss, a visit. To those who still do, make the most of this day to remind your mother she is still special in your life!

It is a lovely old fashioned yellow climbing rose with a soft, floral scent.

Mom when she was a teenager.

Mom when she was a teenager.



18 thoughts on “Post 1028: Mother’s Day

  1. so sad when we look at the ancient photos .
    I lost my two parents in 1956 and since then I go twice a year to prau on their grave.
    In friendship
    ps :mothers’ day in France is on the fourth Sunday of May.

    • We have a holiday coming up the last Monday of May – Memorial Day – when people decorate family graves with flowers and American flags, among other things meaningful to the family. I have the family duty to do this since no one else lives in this town. My current health issues, however, may deter me from putting flowers out this year. (I am concerned about walking on grassy, uneven ground at the cemetery – a fall would not be good!)

  2. I am sorry your mother is no longer with you, but how amazing that she lived such a long life. I agree we should treasure our moms while they are here, I do, my mom is my best friend.

  3. Hi furry friends…Doug too..MOL Mom always observes Mother’s Day. There are so many women that are mothers, just because mom never had children, she understands how happy others are with mother’s day. So hubby helps usget a present for mom. This year we got her a certificate for a manicure. Her and dad are always doing our nails for them so we’re returning the favour. Hopefully mom won’t squirm and try and leave like we do. Mom lost grandma in 2001. Shoko wasn’t born and neither was I. Mom was heartbroken and wishes she could chat to her mother to this day. Dad is ordering Chinese food so mom doesn’t have to cook. These things make her happy and what do they say about a happy mom….if mom’shappy, the rest of the household is happy too. MOL

    Have a good day my friends.

    Kitty Kisses,


      • I know what you mean! Whenever something odd happened to me I wanted to phone mom and tell her all about it. One day I found myself dialing her number and then the crushing realization….she’s not here to tell anything to. Sad!!

        • I was in the habit of visiting her once a day at the care center. The only times I didn’t visit were when I was sick or they quarantined the center when there was flu going around or some such. We didn’t do a lot, but that was my time to share funny things with her or to watch Judge Judy and kibbitz the defendants, though, of course, they couldn’t hear what we had to tell them! It was our fun together.

  4. My mother and both grandmothers are gone too. I don’t celebrate but I remember. My mother’s mother planted the same annual flowers every year. When I was really young I called them “grammy flowers”. Picked some up at the nursery yesterday, snapdragons and argeratums, just to remind me of her. You were lucky to have your mom so many years.

      • A friend of mine used to just visit local residents of a nearby nursing home until she couldn’t drive anymore. She would crochet these beautiful blankets and take them to anyone who looked sad or in need of attention. Many of these oldsters have no family, or any that cares.

        • I live half a block from one care center. I know volunteers DO make a big difference in quality of life for residents, and gifts like you friend made would be especially appreciated! (As an older guy, I never seem to be able to get warm enough….!)

  5. My mother died 1981, and my step-grandmother, who brought me up with a lot of love, died 2009. So I lost any reason to think of mother’s day before you. Since I have not been procreative myself, I have managed to pass this day for 7 years now.

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