Post 924: loving my citrus…

If you know me, you know I love my citrus! I’m especially partial to oranges of any variety. I recently bought a bag of mandarin oranges that were so tasty, so sweet, so juicy, I couldn’t eat just one. Or two. No I had to eat four in a row to get that citrus rush! Yum!

All good things come to an end, however, and I found I was down to the very last two today, not even the four I like to eat at once. Boo!

Only two of these luscious, juicy, sweet, tasty orbs of heavenly delight! Only two. Oh my!

Only two of these luscious, juicy, sweet, tasty orbs of heavenly delight left! Only two. Oh my!

I peel them slowly to extend my pleasure. This will be a painful exercise! Only two!

I peel them slowly to extend my pleasure. This will be a painful exercise! Only two left!

“Hop into my belly, Precious! NOW!”
The last segments torment me.

I hope there are more of these mandarin oranges at the store. I need to shop tomorrow.