
I changed the header on this blog. I have no issue with the old header. I always liked its playful quality. I just felt a need to move beyond it.

The new header is more moody, perhaps, or thoughtful. That’s a bigger part of me than the playful side. I know it bothers people sometimes when I say this, but it is exactly how I feel: I like being alone, but hope people don’t confuse that with being lonely! Besides, with two Persian kittens running around, growing up on me, I haven’t time to be lonely!

My commitment for 2012 is to swamp my blog with new videos, photos, and comments. I recently dropped out of Daily Booth to free up time for this, not to mention remove myself from the company of some tedious people.

I note there are many people on Daily Booth I still make the effort to stay in contact with because they are brilliant, imaginative, thoughtful, beautiful, articulate, mature people, the sort of people I enjoy and hope to have in my life.

Finally, I feel a need to spruce this old home up after a long spell concentrated on Daily Booth boothings. It suits me better here. It takes a bit of effort to play with me here, so I know that only the best of the people I’ve met on the internet will take the time. Of course, I’m on Facebook and google+ (which baffle me). I’m not exactly in hiding.


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