a tail of two kitties…

Andy isn’t the only cat with an interesting tail. Louie, the predecessor to the boys, also had an intriguing tail:

Louie's fine tail.

Louie’s fine tail.

Then there was this video, one of my first attempts at cat videography. Louie was a natural:

The closer it gets to the anniversary of Louie’s death, the more I think about what a fine cat he was. The boys are fun, cute, lively, and great to have around the house. Louie was an older, wiser cat. He taught me a lot of what I needed to know as a cat companion.

2 thoughts on “a tail of two kitties…

  1. He wasn’t happy that I was standing so close while he was trying to rest, poor kitty. He died a little over two months after I made this and some other videos. I am thankful I have more than photos of him. He was a quiet cat, but I have some videos where he meow, too. Sad but glad.

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