Post 741: a safe bet…

I saw Andy posed nicely in the window, watching birds. I thought I’d take a photo. By the time I got my camera, though, Andy’d noticed me and remembered something: He hasn’t had his medicine yet today!

Under the computer desk he ran!

Under the computer desk he ran!

 Clever little monkey! I still could reach him, though, so he took his game up a notch.

Yep! Up and under the computer desk! No way I can reach him now unless I get on my hands and knees. Not blinking likely!

Yep! Up and under the computer desk! No way I can reach him now unless I get on my hands and knees. Not blinking likely!

If there is one thing Andy is it’s resourceful when it comes to evading me at medicine time! Most days I beat him at his game, but there are those days he plays just a little bit better than I.

This is my museum day, so I just have a few hours left to catch him. He won’t win today! Mwahahahaha!

For the record, when I came home from the museum, Andy greeted me at the door. I swooped him iup and gave him his medicine. Slick!