Ugh! Try to make sense of it!

chart that stole christmas copy

I tried to figure out how I could afford insurance and have enough money for food, clothes, rent, and other expenses in 2010, my worst year and the year I created this chart. I wanted to help those used to something from me (even a card) on Christmas to understand my finances were in crisis, thanks to health insurance that nearly cost half my income per month, and that that’s why Christmas was thin that year! This chart made it clear, instantly, that I couldn’t afford healthcare in the United States of America.


The median US household income took a nose dive after the recession. I filled a spot below that median income as a retiree. Way below! That year, 2010, I didn’t observe Christmas; I didn’t feel like it, I couldn’t afford it at any rate. I was not unique in the United States of America.

The US Congress during this time – what’s the technical term?? – “f’ed” America with their political agenda to make sure Barack Obama would be a one term president. You know how that turned out. Congress, however, still acts like it didn’t get the news about the election of 2012. I call that denial the “Rove Effect”.

There is an inscription, you know, carved in stone, above the Nebraska State Capitol main entrance:

"The Salvation of the State is Watchfulness in the Citizen" ~ Hey, it's carved in stone!

“The Salvation of the State is Watchfulness in the Citizen” ~ Hey, it’s carved in stone!

As a person impacted heavily by the jokers in Washington, I take those words seriously. I write those people representing me in Congress. I support candidates with votes and what small sum of money I can afford. I keep up with the news. Yet I don’t feel anything makes a difference when I see the circus in Washington sees obstructionism as their legacy, damn meals for seniors and children, damn affordable healthcare for all Americans, damn investment in education and infrastructure (i.e. the future!), damn blue state Hurricane Sandy victims while holding out a hand for the Federal funds when your red state suffers a calamity, damn everyone but themselves apparently. They stick to their guns, too, but that’s another rant.

I say “apparently” because they have automatic pay increases unless they vote against it. That way they can “honestly” tell you and me, “I didn’t vote for a pay increase”! No wonder I feel cynical about government in this country, though I hold out in favor of it on the chance time will end the horror of a Congress run amok.

While millions of Americans suffer along, guess who’s seen a nice increase in their salaries? The President? No, the President’s salary in 2002 was $400,000, and it still is $400,000.

Oh! Oh! Nice chunk of cash for doing damn little good...

Oh! Oh! Nice chunk of cash for doing damn little good…

I haven’t even touched this topic. Even the broadest of looks at it doesn’t make much sense. Looking at it too closely probably would just make me sick. Ugh! Try to make sense of it!