Post 448: shopping list

I think of shopping lists as, well, not too helpful most times. Today, though, I was a bit pleased with myself because I went to the store with this list:

What I took into the store...

What I took into the store…

I came home with these items:

Items not on my list are in black boxes of shame...!

Items not on my list are in black boxes of shame…!

I felt pretty pleased with myself! I didn’t get any ice cream or cookies, candy or chips…erm, well, I did get some garlic and sea salt potato chips, but they “spoke” to me. And we’re having hamburgers tomorrow. Um. Yeah! I’m sure that’s what that’s about! And that ginger ale, well, my brother and I were talking about ginger ale yesterday, and it seemed necessary to buy some for “auld lang syne”.

16 thoughts on “Post 448: shopping list

  1. In Europe full fat milk, yogurt and butter are the norm yet they are still slimmer and healthier than their American counterparts. Only in America we are frightened into eating a low fat diet which acually does more harm than good. Americans were lean until the 1970’s, when the American Heart Association and the U.S. Dept of Agriculture endorsed and promoted the high carb/low fat diet to combat heart disease. (Absolute disaster!) All of the fat was slowly wrung out of the American food supply and replaced with carbs and sugar–especially high fructose corn syrup. As far as I’m concerned, HFCS is nothing more than food-grade heroin or meth. It’s more potent than regular table sugar and creates cravings for more and more sugar. Most Americans today have insatiable sweet tooth after eating tons of food laced with HFCS over the past 30+ years. Remember skim/low fat milk/yogurts are the by products of ice cream and butter making. Years ago left over skim milk was fed to the pigs.
    Sorry for my long post!

    By the way I love your cute cats! I wish them the best of health for years to come! Are they Persian by any chance?

    • Yes, they are Persian cats! Dougy looks more Persian than Andy, but they have the same mother and father, came from the same litter.

      The nickname we had for skim milk in my house used to be “scum milk” 😉

      I think you have many good points about nutrition, and (anecdotally speaking) I remember watching crowd scenes in a DVD of historic footage of a WWII airbase opening in my hometown. In thousands of people shown, only one woman appeared even a little heavy, and that looked more like the effect of hard work or growing into middle age than obesity. It was a time of rationed sugar, meat, and many other basics, and people ate more home-grown and home-canned fruits and vegetables then. Also (family history), it wasn’t unusual for people to eat bacon and lard regularly. My paternal grandmother made excellent pies daily, using lard. She fried food more than any other form of preparation, something natural for a person raised on a Missouri farm, post Civil War.

      There is so much contradictory information on nutrition, I think the average person stops listening to recommendations, though you make more points I personally agree with, especially about European eating habits. I like the Mediterranean-style diet best, though I am terrible about eating that way exclusively. Of course, living in the middle of the North American continent, in beef-growing country, there is a much different approach to food…!

  2. Whole milk is the better choice. Well done! The best milk is whole, organic, milk that has not been homogenised! Its much better than any skim/low fat milk.

    • I try to eat sensibly, but recognize I can do better by myself! It’s helped going to the store more frequently with a specific list of items to buy. It’s those impulse buys (ice cream or candy, for example!) that tend to be the items I should leave on the shelves.

    • Well, when I walked past that aisle, I made the sign of the cross and spilled holy water to cast out the choco-demon that beckoned me to come thither and hither to fill my shopping cart with yummy, rich choco-treats.

      It was terrifying, to say the least, but I made it past the aisle, the abyss closed up, and other shoppers managed to make it down the aisle in relative comfort thanks to the lower temperature created by closing. It was a small moment of victory.

      However — and this is an important confession! — the garlic and sea salt wavy Lays potato chips were on the end of that aisle, and we all know what I did about that temptation!

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