24May24: Andy’s priorities aren’t mine some days.

Andy hopped onto the ottoman, which prompted me to offer him some kitty massage.

He resisted.

I tried to overcome his resistance. 

It finally registered with me: Duh! He stopped by for Greenies!

What the heck! He can have his Greenies, and  I can pet him anyway.

That was too much of the good life for my kitty boy, I guess because he hopped off the ottoman onto his kitty lounger. 

It’s his “get away from Doug” spot.

Finally! Sleep!


It takes my computer too long to boot and open up Microsoft Edge. I liked Explorer better and never had balky business on it like I have with Edge. I call it “On Edge” because I fight the urge to put my laptop under my car’s tire and run over it till it is reduced to atoms, which would bout equal how long it takes me to have access to what I turned it on for in the first place. Today, it took three boots and 33 or so minutes for it to let me use it! I dread turning my laptop on because I know my patience – and notorious temper! – will be tried.



26 thoughts on “24May24: Andy’s priorities aren’t mine some days.

  1. That reminds me of the computers we had back in the nineties. I’d get to work, turn on the computer, then find something else to do for 15-20 minutes.

  2. Mac used to be a refuge in computing. but recently their programs have been trash as well. Half the time now I use Firefox rather than Safari because Safari is now so bad that half the time it won’t properly open sites like WordPress. It seems that bothe operating systems and platforms should get their acts together, and deliver satisfaction to the user.

    • I think one thing that would make me happy is if you could get just those features you need instead of all the crap taking up space and adding time and complexity to startups.

  3. Sometimes it is hard to know exactly what the kitty wants. 🙂 Andy is a handsome fellow. I love all the colors in his fur!

    Windows was never my favorite operating system.

    • I’m running into that with Andy this morning: “What’s the matter, Andy? Food bowl empty? No Greenies placed exactly the way you like them? Timmy’s in the well again?”

  4. Andy is so cute, I wanna hug him! The misery you describe is why I left Windows machines years ago. The constant updating and sluggish performance are too much for me.

    • I may have to start that Apple laptop account. These issues with Microsoft products are tedious to deal with!

      Andy’s looking especially pretty these days!

      • Yes, his fur is so shiny! He’s a handsome boy! Mac is expensive but you really do get what you pay for, Doug. There’s a significant learning curve though. I would be a bit stumped if I tried to use a Windows computer. It’s been many years…

    • Andy knows his Daddy ran away from his Mommy shortly after he left her with five kittens! I guess that makes me his step-dad!

      Knowing Louis Catorze’s proclivities, I can only imagine! A scorcher, I bet.

    • I seem to be learning how to get onto it a bit better through all these trials, though. I noticed when you shut the computer down the miniscule light nest to the power button blinks off and on several times after screen goes blank. Out of curiosity, I let it blink till it stopped before I closed the laptop shut. This morning, it “only” took 12 minutes to get the miserable thing to open to the point I could start working on it. I must have been scrambling something by closing the laptop before the balky thing was ready!

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