21May24: Andy’s good time….

Andy lets me know he wants kitty massages by climbing onto the top of the kitty tree by my bedroom door.

Yes, that spot just in front of his tail!

His face…!

Get the ears, too!

Rubbing Andy’s head gets a loud purr out of him. 

He lets me know when my job’s done or if I need to repeat the massage some more.



19 thoughts on “21May24: Andy’s good time….

  1. Aw, he requests massages by sitting in his special place! Louis Catorze requests them by, erm, headbutting aggressively and knocking phones and drinks out of people’s hands. 😳

        • They are excellent company, as you know, Gerry. If I outlive Andy, I can’t imagine not having another pair of kitty brothers, though, as a practical reality, at my age that might be irresponsible unless I have arrangements for them should i die first or end up in a care center.

          • Ah, my big fear that Doug. I’m struggling more than ever… taking two hours for do the ablutions with a shower shave and medicating delicate areas. Took that tumble last Monday, the Catheter is agony… but still, I’d be lost without something to grumble about. Hehehe! Although with WordPress, CorelDraw, and Windows, I can rely of worrying and messing me about.
            There’s a local cat sanctuary that for a small fee, will monitor you and your cat, and resettle him if you so depart first. Bet there’s something like that in your area? Put your mind at rest then, mate.
            I’m posting on the blog, about some git that taped up a cat in a box with a razor sharp opened tin of fish, and left it outside an animal charity. Words defeat me on this! The kitty escaped, by the time they found it in the morning, but returned to eat some more food later, and they are looking after the scared little thing, and want to rehome it. That bit’s good.

          • I’ve often felt that people should have to go through months of training before legally being allowed to have an animal, with the possibility of severe fines and jail time if they do crap like the one you noted!

          • There is a problem here when transients abandon pets in the country. They assume “kind farmers” will adopt them, but more likely coyotes get a yummy domesticate critter meal.

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