08May24: miscellany…

Sometimes, this is about as good as I can edit the color. In this photo, Andy was very, very, very interested in several scenes with meowing cats. Hey! He didn’t need Closed Captions for that program!

I like the black & white version better. 

Same problem here. The black & white version is more likable. The color version burns your retinas out. LOL!



Off to Rapid City now! Andy is an orphan for the day so I’ll leave the radio on. “All Things Considered”, “Morning Concert”, and “Afternoon Concert” should help. He likes a bit of news and music to deal with my absences. At least, when I return home he acts less anxious and needy than when I leave the radio on.

I’ll set extra wet and dry kitty food for when I am gone, otherwise, he’ll miss at least one, maybe two wet kitty food servings that the dry will help hold him. Kitty tummies are happier knowing there’s kitty food available on demand!