Post 728: It’s playtime again!

Andy rests after a long day of play. Notice he claimed a magazine that fell on the floor. It's "his"!

Andy rests after a long day of play.
Notice he claimed a magazine that fell on the floor. It’s “his”!

Dougy snoops on the computer desk in the meantime...!

Dougy snoops on the computer desk in the meantime…!

Andy reminds Dougy that they have a game of... well, whatever that strange game they play with the snake wand toy is. He meows an insult in Cattinese. At least it sounded like an insult!

Andy reminds Dougy that they have a game of… well, whatever that strange game they play with the snake wand toy is.
He meows an insult in Cattinese. At least it sounded like an insult!

"Hark!" Is that brother of mine dissing me?" Dougy is alert to the game.

“Hark! Is that brother of mine dissing me?”
Dougy is alert to the game.

Dougy joined Andy on the chase shortly after, and they had a good time!