06May24: Where’s the kitty?

It was too quiet. “Where’s the kitty?“, I wondered, “And what’s Andy into?” It turned out he was resting by the front door, missing out on the outdoor scene. 

I interrupted his peace and quiet, so he left the scene. I held his tail loosely and let it pass through my hand as he walked by. I couldn’t resist: So soft and “floofy!”

I washed dishes since I was in the kitchen anyway and Andy was out of kitty food dishes. Andy realized kitty food was in his near future, so he returned from some important kitty business in the north bathroom.

“Come here, Andrew! Want a nose ‘boop?'” I asked as he approached me.

Of course he did!

Onwards, upwards to the kitchen cabinets.

Andy insists on playing “Find Mousies in the Kitchen Cabinets” before he eats wet kitty food, so that we did! Once again, for the several hundred times, there were no mousies.

Andy returns to where the day started. Wind knocked a few pieces of mail off the counter. You know cats! Cats like to roost up high. Any piece of paper on the floor is higher than the floor, so the cat flops down on the piece of paper!


I have my annual car appointment at the VW dealership in Rapid City, South Dakota next Wednesday morning. Though the trip takes two hours and thirty minutes one way, it takes me through some of the prettiest scenery in Western Nebraska and the Black Hills of South Dakota. I look forward to this trip.

The annual service makes up for leaving my poor, little VW Golf SportWagen in the cold all Winter. 



29Apr24: Andy surprised me!


Andy, in this photo that popped up on Facebook, booped me. What goes around, comes around, eh?!


There is a rule of thumb: The simpler the post, the more complications I will run into putting it together. This one followed the rule! I’ll spare you the details, but everything from positioning to typos of little words to photo size went wrong till this came together!


21Apr24: Andy passed by…

Andy sat there for the longest time…

…then he passed by.

He was startled when I reached down.

He was headed to the end table.

He settled in the dark.

I had to do heavy editing to make him show.

Even going so far as to remove all color! Then I turned the light up. Amazing, eh, how throwing light on the subject saves lots of editing!


Dialysis went bleed-out free Saturday, the way I like it!

14Apr24: my after dialysis surprise…and Andy

Andy gets his ‘nip on the table. Yes, I know! Andy didn’t get on the table when it was cluttered but started getting up there when I cleared it off. Cats!

I have a crappy enough parking situation so imagine how disturbing it was to come home from dialysis to find someone parked in my spot.

I parked on the grass since the alternative was to stop in the lane, blocking traffic.

After waiting a few minutes for the car owner to show up, I parked very close to the car, blocking the owner’s access. I intended to make a statement about taking a resident’s spot, let alone a handicapped space!

No handicapped plate, but there was a handicap tag hanging on the mirror.

Shortly after I blocked the owner’s access, a fellow came running over. He apparently is not the person to whom the handicap tag was issued, making use of the tag illegal.

I moved back, letting him get in and drive away.

I will challenge his use of the tag if he parks there again. The fine in my state for first time ticketed is only $150, with subsequent tickets progressively higher, with additional consequences. The person issued the tag can lose the privilege if it’s misused, too.





12Apr24: Andy decides…

To doze in the television cubby hole or bird watch in the window in the guest bedroom? Andy decides!

20Jan23: taking a siesta…

Andy and I are pooped today, so we’re taking it slowly.


Whew! I never seem to sleep more than four hours at a time, no matter how tired I am. I took a nap this afternoon, aware it might mean I couldn’t sleep tonight. The way I feel right now, I think that I will sleep just fine. (This was written around 7:20 pm on the 19th.)

Why is it a kitty tummy screams out “Tickle me!” when everyone knows touching a kitty tummy is almost always a risky business!? Yeah, I just tickled Andy’s tummy and Andy gave me the look that I know means my hand will die if I do that again. Of course, I will do it again.



30Jul22: kitty massage…

The instructions say to let your kitty see and experience the sounds of the massager before using it on him or her. So far, Andy is wary of it.

What?! Seventy-how-many-days without my laptop or a suitable, equivalent replacement 🤔?

Woe is moi!

29Jul22: exploring…

Andy is looking for where I put his kitty toys. He’s close!

Day 73 without a laptop. Do you think I am being jerked around and lied to? I kind of suspect so.