Post 739: a slow Sunday afternoon…

Nothing dramatic happening here today. Of course, I’m deliberately avoiding anything that involves the recent computer issues,  that which I call “Those @^#%*^! Times”.

Just took some kitty photos, as best I could without a cooperative cat. Andy is missing in action (sleeping somewhere…) and Dougy wants to play wand toy games, not pose for pretty pictures.

Dougy won't look my way. I think he expects Andy to come running through the door.

Dougy won’t look my way. I think he expects Andy to come running through the door.

Hmm. Much better pose...but his tail's twitching!

Hmm. Much better pose…but his tail’s twitching!

Oops! Unintentional selfie!

Oops! Unintentional selfie!

Dang! Now my hand's cramping!

Dang! Now my hand’s cramping!

I guess there was a little dram today! Cramp's gone. Whew!

I guess there was a little drama today! Cramp’s gone. Whew!

Close to what I was trying for but...

Close to what I was trying for but…

...Dougy isn't posing. He's getting excited about the camera strap, which he pounces!

…Dougy isn’t posing. He’s getting excited about the camera strap, which he pounces!

Andy signals it's time to feed the kitty.

Andy signals it’s time to feed the kitty. Yep! Knock over all the wastepaper baskets till the Doug (the human one) puts out the kitty food! 

If Dougy doesn't show up soon, Andy will eat Dougy's supper, too.

If Dougy doesn’t show up soon, Andy will eat Dougy’s supper, too.

Dougy’s been off schedule for supper feeding lately, though that doesn’t bother Andy a bit. Later, when Dougy shows up, I’ll fix him some wet food. Andy will eat that, too, if I don’t watch him!