Post 957: Night visitor…

I gathered the trash to put out this morning. I don’t like to put it out too early because it might attract critters or too late because it might get missed by the trash collection, which is very early in the morning on Fridays.

When I opened the door, around 3:15 AM, to toss the trash to the curb, I noticed we’d had a night visitor.

Say what?! Puma? Coyote? No, nothing so dramatic. From the size, it had to be one of the feral cats in the neighborhood.

Say what?! Puma? Coyote?
No, nothing so dramatic. From the size, it had to be one of the feral cats in the neighborhood.

The snow, while not much, was sufficient to capture the evidence of a night visitor.

Dougy makes his escape.

Dougy makes his escape.

That Dougy! Of course he had to slip past me while I took the photo of the pawprints!

There I stood, in a knit shirt, walking shorts, barefoot and my kitty’s making an escape into the bitter cold!

I reached down and put my hand around Dougy’s middle. “OK, snoopy, you’d better come in! It’s much too cold out here for a house kitty. Or me!”