31Aug21: more Louie the ginger cat…

I tried putting a leash on Louie. He was out of it practically before I put him down! It worked out, though. Louie and I took walks around the compound. If you’ve never walked a cat, try it! 

Louie’s tail wasn’t “floofy” like Andy’s, but it fascinated me just the same.

20 thoughts on “31Aug21: more Louie the ginger cat…

    • Actually, I don’t know. He was possibly looking for Taco the tuxedo kitty boy, his nemesis or, back then, there was a feral grey momma cat with four kittens that lived in a bush in that direction. He always chased her when he saw her.

  1. I tried putting a harness and leash on Sunny when we first moved to my current apartment complex, thinking she might enjoy strolling around the grounds. NOPE! She thrashed around on the floor and was out of the harness in less than a minute. Luckily she and I were indoors, so she couldn’t dash off in search of trouble. I suspect that in order to get a cat to like being on a leash, you have to train them from an early age. Like your Louie, Sunny didn’t arrive at my home until she was older, maybe around two years old. (This is based on the vet’s estimation; we really don’t know how old she is.) She won’t even wear a collar, and forget about cute little costumes, unless you want your hands and arms covered in bright red scratches! She seems perfectly content as an indoor cat, however. And her mom doesn’t have to worry about her whereabouts, either.

    • Louie was estimated by the veterinarian to be five when I got him from the shelter. He was used to having free reign as an outside cat, so resisted any restraints on his peregrinations. I think you are right about training them as kittens to walk on a leash.

    • His tail was just short of perfectly marked. It kind of faded out toward the tip, which, of course, would have made a way to identify him if he wandered off. He didn’t have a chip. He was such a special cat, I wondered why no one tried to locate him and get him back. When he died and the kitty brothers (Andy and Dougy) came into my life, I made sure they were microchipped.

        • I totally agree! Whoever lost Louie, for example, lost a beautiful kitty boy with tons of personality. A microchip would have brought him back home. Of course, I would have missed out on Louie, but it always was a mystery to me how anyone could lose such a perfect cat and not make a serious effort to find him again.

    • The walks with Louie were very informative. He never walked outside of a predictable area, which helped convince me I could trust him to not wander off too far. It was good exercise, too, for me, and the residents at the care center became familiar with the guy who walked with his cat!

        • Though I had one cat for a short time before Louie (Freckles – Louie was supposed to be her companion, and she and he did get along though she was basically still a kitten, well “teenager”), Louie was for all purposes my first cat. I learned a lot about cats from the experience. He fascinated me on many levels. I’d just retired a few months before I decided I needed some pets, so when I got Freckles, then Louie, I had lots of time to do a cat version of a Jane Goodall study of cats and their behavior. Fascinating stuff!

    • Yes, much different! Of course, I got him at the local shelter and he was already five years old. I had Andy and Dougy from kittenhood, spoiled them rotten, and learned I made mistakes later! LOL!

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