15Jul23: my first really “Kool Kat”…

Louie the ginger cat usually slept this way, tail curled inwards and some part of his body touching something solid. This photo popped up on a Facebook memory, making yesterday a happy-sad day for me since it marked the third anniversary of Dougy’s death. I have this photo on a coffee mug, but didn’t have a replacement digital photo any longer to send to the place that makes those mugs in case I break that rare mug. I go through a lot of mugs….

It was after Louie died (1Aug11) and I picked up his ashes at the veterinarian’s that I was introduced to the kitten Andy, a strange looking little mammal I couldn’t categorize. He was set down on the counter and he walked right over to me, beginning a new love in my life. “He’s a smoke Persian kitten,” Tara, Andy and Dougy’s mother’s human, helpfully noted.

Dougy came later when his mommy’s human offered this second kitten to me because he played well with Andy. The transition didn’t end my grief over Louie’s death, but it helped that I soon would be a kitten “mommy”, failing miserably to raise good kitty citizens.

 But they brought, Andy still brings, a lot of joy into my life and became the reason to continue blogging.

A New Zealand friend gave Louie a super hero cape on an otherwise dull photo of him sleeping on my computer chair. I have an enlargement of this photo hanging over the spot where the settee Dougy shredded was. It was a favorite spot of Louie’s.

Part of the reason Louie love, love, loved the settee was he could hang over the arm and look out the back door and enjoy birds in a fir tree and two apple trees.

This is the best remaining photo of Louie. He was magnificent!



30Jan22: an anniversary…

On January 30th, 2009, 11 AM, I began my early retirement from Parker Hannifin. I worked there, mostly in Quality Assurance, for just short of 36 years. Only one person had more seniority than I, and it was a running joke we had that I was going to work there till I’d worked one day longer than Mike. It didn’t happen, so I was never Nr. 1 in seniority.

Sadly, five of the people in this photo have passed. I was blessed to work with each and every one in the photo.

I think this must have been taken in the 10th anniversary year of the plant, 1982. Most of us in the photo retired from the plant, which went through major updates in products produced and equipment over the years and became a cash cow for various owners, the last of which, Parker Hannifin, was my favorite to work for. 


Retirement made possible getting my first kitty, Freckles.

Louie came shortly after.

And, of course, the kitty brothers, Andy and Dougy, followed Louie.

I’ve enjoyed my retirement!

08Sep21: the last of Louie videos…

I was fascinated with Louie’s tail….

Louie sent TACO away from Louie’s backyard!

This is the color version of the previous video. There is only one video of Louie left. I’ve never been able to watch it because it is one I made the night Louie died. I tried to get an emergency visit to his veterinarian. Failing that – the emergency veterinarian was on another emergency in the country – I made this unseen video to show his veterinarian when I finally got him in to the clinic. He die later than night, August 1, 2011, and I would find him in his favorite “hidey hole”, the dryer. I can’t imagine how he found the strength to get up there, but… Later, I made this next video for the children of a German friend. It is a little story with a moral since it is for children:

A story for children, featuring Louie and the neighborhood tuxedo cats….

07Sep21: “artsy” experiments and Louie at play…

The apple trees in the backyard are attractive to birds, cats, and people!

I was exploring the possibilities of the editor this time.

I forgot about this toy. Louie was a string kitty when it came to play.

05Sep21: including a long Louie walk video….

After Louie died, I was thankful I had this short video where he “meowed” at me.

I didn’t usually make Louie wear his collar inside, but he did require one when he was outside.

This is a long video of a walk Louie took around the compound. 


Oops! I accidentally posted this on the first of September. I post it again on  the intended day, today, the fifth of September, though 38 people already saw it and many of you commented.

03Sep21: miscellaneous Louie videos…

Louie may have wanted a treat, but I “scritched” him instead.

Louie liked to sleep on the top of the recliner….

I loved “scritching” Louie!