30Sep21: “Antiques Road Show” for kitty boys?

Andy is fascinated by this WWII flight jacket…

…so much so he doesn’t see me taking his photo!

The unit patch especially holds his attention!

Silly kitty!

28Sep21: mysteries of the Android world…

Andy can’t figure it out either.

Once again, the mysteries of the Android 10 smartphone block transfer of photos from the phone to my laptop. After piddling around, I finally breached the dam (“damn”!?) and found the missing photos from the past three days plus the new ones, mostly. I get soooo disturbed that I periodically have to go through this little ritual, especially since the magic that unblocks the constipated phone never seems to be the same one each time.

26Sep21: what Andy wants…

Andy is…

…in the mood…

…for something.

Hint! Hint! (Andy leans in the direction he wants me to head, namely, the other room.)

Horns up!

Ready to scoot off the lapboard, then to the place where he gets treats, kitty food, scritches, catnip, grass blades…. We’ll find out what Andy wants when we get there!


Ever notice how some times on digital clocks look, well, “too fake”? 

“12:34”! Yeah, sure! “3:14” looks a bit much, too.




23Sep21: …lots, maybe birdies, too!

The bathroom window…

…in early fall…

…brings fresh air…


…small delights like…

…keeping track of the human when he thinks he’s sneaking my photo…

…AND birdies!

21Sep21: “…must…touch…floofiness…!”

“Floofy cat!”

“Must touch…”

“…that floofiness!”

“Uh oh!”

“Andy – I’m your friend! OW!”

“Must fight the pain!”

“Um…floofiness is entrancing, but leave sleeping kitty boys alone!”