23May24: Nom! Nom!

Andy loves his Greenies!

He lets me know this is his kitty lounger before he enjoys a bit of quiet.


I hope everyone can view these wee videos! You may have to click on the triangle more than once to get it to play.


Not much going on here today. I should have gone for groceries but decided I didn’t feel like bringing more food in when I have frozen and canned things on hand that I haven’t used yet. There’s frozen meatloaf that would work in pasta, by itself, or in a sandwich. I know there are other things – frozen cooked chicken breasts – that add to the meal possibilities if I just defrost and repurpose them! 

I find making meals for one a bit tedious since I inevitably have too much for one meal, enough for two, but just too much for a third day in a row!