22May24: Andy shifts gears…

How do cats…

…sleep with their heads upside down?

Oops! I woke the beast!

~ …yawn! ~

Now André wants treats! (I just realized “André” is the French version of “Andrew“.)


There was a fine mist this morning. I enjoy this kind of rain. It clears the air of pollen and refreshes all growing things.

15 thoughts on “22May24: Andy shifts gears…

    • Yes, that is one of my favorite follows! Since I once had a ginger tabby cat I named after Louis “Satchmo” Armstrong – I’m a fan, especially of his early recordings – I checked that blog out when I came across it and have been a big fan since! “Louie”, I realized, is the French pronunciation, more or less, of “Louis”. Ludwig and Luigi are the German and Italian versions. As a Beethoven fan, Louie the ginger kitty scored again. Luigi Boccherini, another favorite might have given my kitty a first name, too, but Louie was an All American kitty boy!

  1. Good views of your Andy, I wanted to rub his tummy! When I got up this morning at 02:40hrs, it was raining. It’s now 1640hrs, and it just stopped. Oh, I’ll have a look at the mudslide in the car park. Cheers mate.

    • He suffers my noises if he spends time near me, but he does have the option of going into other rooms where the noise level is lower.

    • Me, too, always with my mouth open, I fear, and a little stream of drool draining down the corner of my mouth. It isn’t a pretty scene. LOL!

  2. It does mystify me when cats sleep with muzzles turned upwards. It’s a good chance for a quick light scritch under the chin, though. I like those misty rain events, too.

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