Post 361: April Fools’ Day

My own mother once said, “What your father and I love most about you is your quirky sense of humor!” I thought that was pretty sweet of her to share that, and I mostly agree with the assessment.

Maybe you remember this example of my idea of funny, a “poster” I created from a photo of Andy.

I have no shame: I recycled this image I earlier characterized as a "FAIL"....

I have no shame: I recycled this image I earlier characterized as a “FAIL”….

The irony, what’s funny (to me), is Andy is a gentle soul, but photographs of him often look like he is angry, the curse of his Persian cat mug.

I suppose I need to recycle a Dougy photo now, for the sake of equal representation of the amusing qualities my boys share.

...but not I: "J'accuse, Monsieur Chat! J'accuse!" Dougy's perfidy is called out!

…but not I: “J’accuse, Monsieur Chat! J’accuse!” Dougy’s perfidy is called out!

For some reason, Dougy being accused in French of perfidious behavior strikes me as amusing…erm…”quirky”! Of course, he looks guilty as heck, too, though his reaction is more like “Is that something to eat?”, not remorse when the Finger of Justice bears down on him for stealing his brother’s tub.

By now, you must be wondering what all that had to do with April Fools’ Day. Well, nothing. I’m not a person who enjoys pranks on others. Further, I am humorless when pranked, something you can verify easily enough at your own peril!

What is interesting about today, though, is this:

A curious note about today, April Fools Day 2014...

A curious note about today, April Fools Day 2014…

I don’t think numbers that read the same forward and back are technically “palindromes”, but it is curiously satisfying, nicely symmetrical, unique for the first day of April and won’t occur again till 4-1-2114. I don’t plan on being around!

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