Post 341: Catsquatches captured in blurry photos!

"Catsquatch found the food lure, and eats heartily. Rumor has it, there is a second Catsquatch. Maybe it will come to the other plate of food and I can get both in one blurry photo!"

“Catsquatch found the food lure, and eats heartily. Rumor has it, there is a second Catsquatch. Maybe it will come to the other plate of food and I can get both in one blurry photo!”

Dougy’s worked out a plan. Chase Andy before he eats (and gets his daily dose of medicine), then Dougy gets first shot at both plates of Catsquatch chow! As if catching that wee rascal Andy wasn’t hard enough…!

"No! While the second Catsquatch lurks in a dark corner (all the better to not appear in a blurry photo), the first one - the chunky one! - helps itself to the second plate of lure food! Will I ever see both at the lure plates at the same time?"

“No! While the second Catsquatch lurks in a dark corner (all the better to not appear in a blurry photo), the first one – the chunky one! – helps itself to the second plate of lure food! Will I ever see both at the lure plates at the same time?”

Speaking of Andy, he’s stretched out a few feet away from me as I type. Dougy is lording over him from the top of the cat tree. Can I catch Andy unawares? Whew!

Catsquatch Nr. 2 captured and wrapped burrito-style for administration of Catsquatch medicine! It was shockingly easy to capture the wary beast...! It now rests quietly on the beat up old computer chair next to my computer desk. I can touch it from here!

Catsquatch Nr. 2 captured and wrapped burrito-style for administration of Catsquatch medicine! It was shockingly easy to capture the wary beast…! It now rests quietly on the beat up old computer chair next to my computer desk. I can touch it from here!

Well, capture Andy I did. He is medicated and hanging out with me, the devil he knows!

Poor little Catsquatch! "Why do you do this to me," his eyes beg me to say.... Aw! "Little Baby Jesus must have looked so sweet...and fuzzy?"

Poor little Catsquatch! “Why do you do this to me,” his eyes beg me to say…. Aw! “Little Baby Jesus must have looked so sweet…and fuzzy?”

"I don't care if it's tuna-flavored. I don't like it."

“I don’t care if it’s tuna-flavored. I don’t like it.”