14Feb21: spoiled rotten…

Maybe it is because we both just woke up and haven’t finished getting the eye goobers out of our eyes, but…

…Andy is being a spoiled little kitty boy. “I don’t want wet kitty food now. I want GREENIES!

What Andy doesn’t know is I’ve had to order more Greenies because we’ve really gone through them lately. We’ve had major weather – snow – that could make that predicted 15th of February delivery date problematic. What we going to do then, buster? I’ve been trying to ration the supply. With luck, his veterinarian has some on hand.


NEWS FLASH! I found a mostly full package of catnip-flavored Greenies in the box I use to store the Greenies supply. Andy can continue to be spoiled and I have hope the Greenies on order (that have shipped) get here before the newly expanded supply gives out. I don’t exaggerate how pitiful Andy is when he doesn’t get his kitty treats!