23Oct22: up and over…


…and over!

Andy’s a little sweetie, but yesterday he was a pill. When it came time for his medication, he hid in the one spot in the apartment that he has the best chance of avoiding me. New policy: Close my bedroom door after I get up from bed! 

 Andy got me up at 10:30 pm before this, so it was a long day. After dialysis, I fixed us both lunch, sat down to watch a little television. I fell asleep, bone tired from the early wake-up call and dialysis, so when I woke up at 4:30, I realized I’d slept through the second time – 3:00 pm – I give Andy his second dose of medications.

Andy! Andy! Andy! 

Andy is a smart little guy, and medicating him can prove a challenge.

19 thoughts on “23Oct22: up and over…

    • Yes, he does seem to wake me up at unhappy times of the night! I hope he eventually realizes the medicine is better than no medicine.

        • We’re slowly get a routine down, one that minimizes hassles for us both. For example, he takes an afternoon nap in the wash basin in the guest bedroom bathroom. Yesterday, I was able to put eye drops in his eyes without having to even take him out of the wash basin! Saved loots of stress on both of us.

          • Wow, I am glad that you found this routine, Doug! Less stress makes no mess haha. Maybe someday I will be in your state and stop by to meet you guys. 👍🏻😂

    • It’s only a short time till he remembers his best bet is to get under the computer desk or the dining room table… Those are very difficult places to catch him.

  1. Medicating most cats is a challenge. I have one I cannot pill (and I’m pretty good at it). Ever since I adopted her, no vet could look at her teeth. She 8 lbs. of wiggly when she wants to be. She can send Andy some training videos on how to avoid meds completely.

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