30Nov22: a quiet day…

Andy stopped by briefly for a face rub…

…before he hit the kitty lounger for a little rest.


It was a low energy day for both my kitty and me. Dialysis went well considering the fluid taken off was roughly three liters! Cramping is typical when that much fluid’s taken off, but I managed to beat the odds today with little more than a bit of cramping in my right thumb. Cramping in the large leg muscles would be more typical and definitely much more painful! At home, I did very little other than take naps and do a little housekeeping – very little! The snow was just enough to make taking trash out problematic since I use a dolly, though I really need to get it out to the dumpster before it takes over the place! 


29Nov22: “Wanna play, Andy?”

“Wanna play, Andy?”

What a silly question!


By the time this publishes, we are supposed to get between 2-4 inches/ 5-10 cm of snow, with a further inch/ 2,5 cm likely this morning. We haven’t had much snow so far this season, so this will be welcome, I think, for the moisture it adds to the soil.

28Nov22: Andy flinched…

Andy stopped by for a stacked carrier nap.

Ofcourse, when I tried to get a better shot of him in the stacked carrier, he flinched!

Editing the first photo, I get a bit of what I was trying to do with the second photo…..


It was supposed to snow last night, which it barely did. Now, It’s supposed to snow this morning. We’ll see!

I think it’s cute that Andy uses the stacked carriers for kitty time and naps.

26Nov22: Where’s the kitty?

Andy was flopped on the floor, then he just disappeared.

I suspect he’s in the stacked carriers…!


I’m expecting a pizza baker today. The reviews suggest that it makes a great pizza, but it’s also handy for reheating pizza without having to heat up the oven or creating a microwave mess of it. It can be used for cooking things other than pizza, too. I anticipate it’s either the best purchase ever or a big bust. The main thing is it will reduce use of the oven. Mine takes a long time to heat up and this pizza baker is up to heat almost instantly.

Making pizza at home is cheaper than alternatives, of course, and details like amount of marinara sauce, cheese, and combinations of toppings used is entirely one’s preference instead of what a pizza comes with from the store. I’m no fan of black olives that otherwise favorite commercial pizza combos come with, for example, and I like a lot more sauce than a smear…. (I’m trying to justify the purchase! LOL!)

I have pizza dough and toppings for my first or second trial and a frozen pizza of a brand and style I’ve tried before and liked the first day but thought reheated was a bust to use for my second or first trial. 

25Nov22: stopping by…

Andy stopped by “just because”.

I think he just wanted to be social, so I gave him a nice head rub, which he appreciated.

Then he headed off, checking what was on the television before he did his kitty business.


It was a holiday so I did very little all day, then I took a nap. 

24Nov22: Thanksgiving Day USA…

Andy took a look.

Ho hum!

“I’m not some dumb kitten! I’m not playing on demand today!”


Happy Thanksgiving in the USA!


23Nov22: the string or…

I presented the string…

…to Andy…

…and he swatted lightly…

…at it, but…

…what he really wanted was to play with that sad piece of peacock feather quill!


I gassed up ($3.40 a gallon), then shopped for groceries. It cost $165, the first time in months, it seems, my total was under $240-$250! Amazingly, too, I actually bought food for a change, the probable reason the total was so low. Light bulbs, paper towels, Press & Seal, and coffee beans in a typical shopping cart add up really fast, as does candy and other “goodies” I didn’t buy today. Well, I did get a couple kinds of cookies…! 

22Nov22: some string, a cat – a classic!

The string…

…the cat.

Andy moved in closer.

Preparing to pounce!

Moments before the pounce!

Yes, Andy had a good time with the string. It’s always a winner to bring out some string when it involves Andy!


An American president died from an assassin’s bullet on this day in 1963. If you were alive and of an age to be aware of the bigger world then, this day always brings back memories of where you were, how you reacted, how it changed your perceptions of the world. He was no saint it turns out, a horndog, yet while he was President of the US, he and his wife brought class and a bit of magic to the presidency. He was the first Catholic president, something as impossible to imagine then as the first black president would be in 2008. 

“The bastards shot the President!” That’s what I said to my mother when I stepped in the door at home that fated Friday. Of course, it turned out just one bastard was involved, but his act robbed us of a leader. Then, Jack Ruby shot him two days later, an act shown live on American television quite by accident. I was at church when it happened, but the act would be shown over and over on television coverage that didn’t return to sitcoms and sports till after the funeral Monday. I sat in front of the television watching it all, as did a nation. 

John Fitzgerald Kennedy

29 May 1917 – 22 November 1963

21Nov22: when kitties cry…

I could have told them. The Huskers will tear your heart out…. On the other hand, I didn’t watch the game, so have no idea if it was a good game or not, regardless of the final score. One point, though…!


My friend Virginia writes “The football game was very frustrating in the last minute to lose by one point.”

Yes, Wisconsin -15; Nebraska – 14.

Looking at the quarter-by-quarter tallies, it looks like Nebraska had a great first half, and tossed away their lead in the second half. On the other hand, this game was another sellout of Memorial Stadium seating, so the Husker record there is secure for now at 389 consecutive sellouts since 1962! (It might be higher if my source wasn’t regularly updated.)