01Jan24: Happy New Year!

I made it to midnight, but Andy didn’t. Happy New Year!


New Year’s Eve was a big surprise day for me. My friend Chris from Texas had been trying to call me for one of our periodic telephone calls. He finally caught me at home and available yesterday morning around 11, and we talked for nearly three hours! 

I used to have calls like that from my late brother and my late friend Craig. You might wonder what did we talk about for that long. You might be surprised! My brother and I talked about family, Denver sports teams, Nebraska football, and anything that came to mind. Craig and I talked about politics mainly, friends and family. Chris and I have even broader topics since we tend to be eclectic and nerdy in our interests. LOL! 

Yesterday’s talk with Chris included my thoughts on a Rudolph Serkin recording in 1968 of Beethoven’s “Emeror Concerto” which I regard as the finest one ever for Serkin’s cadenzas. Cadenzas are improvised within works and show the artist’s understanding and familiarity with the work. They represent all the years of study the artist put into performing the work and how well they represent the composer’s will and hopes for listeners to “get it”. Serkin was an older man at the time, a pianist’s pianist, and a master of his art! I have at least 17 recorded versions of this favorite piece by different artists and none match this one Serkin recording for majesty, power, emotion, and beauty! Then I went on about French Baroque opera and how I especially like the transitions that often are ballet instead of recitative, a word I can’t get my mouth around, and a practice, in opera, that serves as transitions in the story and to the arias that make opera enjoyable.

I went over my recent fall and all that detail you get in the comments and my recent post.

Chris countered with an equally nerdy discussion of the benefits of electrification of the vehicle fleet over gasoline or other alternatives like hydrogen. He drives a Toyota Prius and is a Tesla fan with a reservation for that new Tesla pickup.Then he discussed a nuclear plant in Colorado that failed that use helium as a coolant. LOL!

Oh yes, we both have cats and chat about our cats! That was just part of it. We enjoy our talks, though I’m sure we would bore everyone else to death. For me, it was a highlight of December 2023, the perfect way to end my year!