28Jan24: Purr~purr~purr!

Andy love, love, loves me to run my fingers up and down his back! I call it “helicopter butt” because Andy’s tail whirls around, caressing my hand. Others call it “elevator butt”, for reasons more obvious in a still photo.

Taking photos while doing this results in curiously satisfying shakes in the photos!

Take a look at that kitty face! That’s Andy’s ecstatic purr~purr~purr face.


 The predicted highs start with 59 degrees F/ 15 degrees C today; a high of 62 degrees F/ 17 degrees C Wednesday; back down to 41 degrees F /5 degrees C next Sunday.

“Normal” here this time of year is shown in this link:


Before anyone confuses “weather” and “climate”, I’ve added this link:

What’s the difference between climate and weather? | National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration (noaa.gov)