23Jan24: where Andy comes to nap…

Whew! Andy barely made it to the recliner before he conked out!


I set a new grocery total yesterday: a bit over $307! I had a $25 gift certificate that I applied to the total, but it still made a new record of $282 for me at the grocery store. I have enough on hand now to get me through till the middle or a bit beyond the middle of the next month.

Par for course, though, the long list of items I needed to get invariably ends with me forgetting the one or two items I absolutely need. Today it was sugar.

I also bought extra items for my Class of 1966 group’s monthly get-together. Terry got a turkey as a prize and donated a turkey dinner to the group! My contribution – mashed potatoes, stuffing, and cranberry sauce – is a bit more than I usually take, but all of these items are low-preparation, easy-to-fix foods. I mean, how hard is using a can opener to “make” cranberry sauce? Or opening a box to make stuffing or mashed potatoes, though I add extras to both of those.

I am looking forward to a week of high temperatures in the 40-47 degrees F/ 4.4-8.3 degrees C, too!