13Jan24: Andy’s surprising skills!

Andy had his fill of Greenies, for now. Even Andy can feel a treat isn’t a treat when you get too many at once!

He settled down on the recliner. Maybe there’s something on television of interest to a kitty…!

“Nothing on the television -‘me-uws’ I think Doug calls it.” A short bath is in order.

“What!? What!?”

 Andy hears something…or is it that he sees one of those “ghost thingies” cats are well-known to see so creepily….

“Don’t get dramatic, Douglas! Even I know it snowed and blew last night. That’s the snow removal guy and he’s working in -12 degrees F/ -24.4 degrees C weather to make sure you can get to your car and not get stuck.” 

“Are you sneaking looks at the weather on my smartphone, Andrew? You seem to be more specifically weather-aware than a wee kitty should be. I’m impressed with your math skills as well, my cat, and that you correctly converted Fahrenheit to Celsius for the benefit of most of the world readers who live in the smarter metric zone. “

Maybe there’s something on the ‘me-uws”…”

Andy ignored the smartphone weather question and math skills observation, but cats are reputed to be sneaky, eh?


Ugh! I’m glad I don’t have any reason to get out today! The weather report doesn’t suggest much better times ahead, but I’ll deal with that when I have no choice.