24Jan24: Andy’s icky morning…


Andy had a bad start to his morning. (It almost was a bad start to mine as well!) A few pats on his back took care of whatever he was trying to hork up, but it was close. Poor kitty!

“I’m OK now, Doug!”

Later, I called Andy by name.

He wasn’t responding to his name, something he usually does!

I think he’s pissed! (Notice the set of his wee ears!)


Andy got over whatever it was that upset him and was his usual sweet self a few minutes later.


Andy may be all kitty boy when it comes to getting water on himself, yet his favorite roosting place in the bathroom is – tuh duh! – inside the shower! He often goes into the bathroom to snooze on a shower chair inside the shower. Today, though, he was snoozing on the shower floor. 

I think part of the shower business is he originally started hopping onto the shower chair as a way to block me from taking my shower, then leaving him alone all morning while I was at dialysis. It didn’t stop me, of course, and he quickly hopped out of the shower as soon as I reached for the faucet. No fool he! He didn’t need two lessons on the relationship between the faucet and a shower of water! 

In time, though, he realized the shower chair was a comfortable place to spend kitty time.


I have over 15,000 photos in my media file. Very few are photos of humans or subjects other than cats.