21Jan24: a change of plans…

Andy likes the north bathroom window for bird watching.

This isn’t the time of day the sparrows hang out on the rose bush, though.

Andy makes a new plan.

Yep, there still are some Greenies there.

Andy contemplates the treats first, then he snacks on a few of them. Do they come in sparrow flavor? No, so Andy gets the baked chicken-flavored ones instead.


Lucio grooming the kitten Marcus.


Marcus died today of complications of kidney disease. Once again sadness strikes the Rosses of Salmon Brooks Farm. Marcus fought kidney disease issues for the past three years. 

Lavinia sent me an e-mail, noting this about his last days:

As you know, he was diagnosed with kidney problems back in December of 2020, and he has battled that valiantly since then.  I had thought this might be his last year.  Marcus developed vomiting and diarrhea over the last week during the power outages and ice storm.   All the usual remedies were tried at home given weather conditions.  We were not able to get out of the driveway until Thursday morning.  Marcus had his appointment with his vet today, and diagnostic tests were done one at a time, given his age (16.5 years) and deteriorating kidney condition.  X-ray showed an unusual area the vet could also palpate, so an ultrasound was then done to get a better view.  A large mass of about 4 centimeters was choking off a section of intestine.  He was agitated and in pain, and the decision was made to put him to sleep and end the suffering now.  Rest in peace. Love, Marcus.  You will be sorely missed.

RIP Marcus, those of us who followed you and your fellow kitties on Lavinia’s Salmon Brooks Farm blog join in sadness with the Rosses on your passing.