Post 315: Andy’s day of reckoning.

Two days ago, Andy and Dougy had an appointment with Dr. Dave, their veterinarian, for an annual check up and shot update. Dougy made it; Andy went into hiding when I tried to find him to put him in the carrier.

He was mighty pleased with himself…:

andy 2

Well, Buster Brown! You just delayed the inevitable! I’m working smarter today (I hope), and have no intention of a repeat of Monday. You will see your veterinarian today, Andy, and you will like it!

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The boys are much too clever for their own good. They pick up on clues much too easily. They know what happens when I dress a certain way. If one’s put in the carrier, they guess that the other soon will be, too. Don’t be confused on this point: They may be sweet little Persian cats, but they are smartypants and get away with it all too often!

Andy’s veterinarian appointment is at 1:30 pm. By ye gods, he will be there!