Post 559: apparition

I’ve waited all morning for a good time to catch Andy so I can give him his medicine. He, unfortunately, has my number, so stays one step ahead of “The Man”!

After staying away from me most of the morning, though, he hopped on top of my computer to see what was happening outside in the fir tree. I had a situation: should I catch him or take photos of him for my blog? Obviously, I chose the photos!

Andy forgets for a moment he is a wanted kitty. What's happening in the fir tree out the back window? Andy wants to know!

Andy forgets for a moment he is a wanted kitty. What’s happening in the fir tree out the back window? Andy wants to know!

He becomes aware of me. His horns reveal themselves, the sign of things to come.

He becomes aware of me. His horns reveal themselves, the sign of things to come.

Full horn display! Andy is alert and ready to respond to any nonsense copming his way. He will avoid medicine today!

Full horn display! Andy is alert and ready to respond to any nonsense coming his way. He will avoid medicine today!

Andy hopped off the computer. He’s on the chair he likes to sleep on by the table. If I can sneak up on him — not likely! — I can give him his medicine shortly! Who will win today? Cat? Or Man? Well, the wee rascal just walked over to me to get his face rubbed. The game score today stands at Andy with 5 points and me with 0.


UPDATE: At 12:10, the wary Andy succumbed to his hubris, was found sleeping on the computer desk shelf, was snatched up, was massaged and reassured he is a good boy, then was given his blood pressure medicine. After further reassurances and more shoulder massage, he was let down to his kitty treats.