Post 727: race horse…

I don’t know what got into Andy this morning, but he was racing around the apartment like a 10 pound Secretariat.

He hopped. He pounced. He climbed. He teased his brother, Dougy. Andy was possessed!

Ain't Andy a darlin'...?! He even took time out to rest a little between races.

Ain’t Andy a darlin’…?! He even took time out to rest a little between races. 

Dougy was more circumspect. Not very Dougy like, but even Dougy takes a break from play sometimes!

It was nice of DOugy to let Andy have play time without Dougy interrupting and taking over.

It was nice of Dougy to let Andy have play time without Dougy interrupting and taking over.

It always heartens me to see Andy have fun because he is such a serious little guy.

Now, time to catch the little rascal to give him his blood pressure medicine, but I don’t think the odds are good for capture today.