Post 897: Andy just has to snoop…!

Curiosity and cats: You know how it is! Andy is true to the kitty creed: “If it’s there, it must be for kitty cats.” 

Andy's on my desk, snooping!

Andy’s on my desk, snooping!

Ooops! He spots me spotting him...!

Ooops! He spots me spotting him…!
“No, I’m not snooping. You just think I am….”
Andy isn’t too convincing, eh?!

Caught in the act, Andy ptepares to make a fast exit!

Caught in the act, Andy prepares to make a fast exit!

This is what I tell Andy when I catch him snooping:

Snoopy is a dog.
Andy is snoopy.
Therefore Andy is a a dog.

Hee! Hee! That gets him going!
