Post 868: obsessively, I try to catch Dougy with his eyes open…!

I almost photographed Dougy with his eyes open today. Look closely and you can see a hint of his eyes. A sliver. A glint.

Dougy beat the flash again!

Dougy beat the flash again!

Dougy has such pretty eyes, it’s a treat when I can catch them in a photo!

His eyes aren’t quite that orange in real life, just in that particular artificial light. I’d call them yellowish-brown. The top photo accurately shows his pelage.

Post 867: …in which Dougy sightings result in blurry photos of fleeing tails

I try! Yes, I try to get decent photos of Dougy because he is especially pretty now in his plush fur suit.

Dougy spotted the camera all right...!

Dougy spotted the camera all right…!

So did Andy, so he posed nicely! Good kitty!

So did Andy, so he posed nicely!
Good kitty!

Andy is a willing partner to photography so gets to shine here once again.

Post 866: Andy invites me to play…!

Andy surprised me today. He often patticakes my arm from behind, then acts like he didn’t really mean to attract my attention when I try to figure out what’s on his peanut brain.

Today, however, when I felt the inevitable patticaking on my arm, I looked back and saw the boys’ wand toy at Andy’s feet. He was inviting me to play with him! This is a first for Andy. Oftentimes he has to be coaxed to play, unlike his brother Dougy, who always is “up”!

  This shows you the game Andy and Dougy play and the toy Andy left at my feet. If the game makes no sense when the two cats play it, it made perfect sense when Andy hinted he wanted me to join him in the game. A good time was had by all!

Andy and I had a great play date, then he hopped on my computer and cleaned up.

Andy and I had a great play date, then he hopped on my computer and cleaned up.

Post 865: historical Dougy…

I stumbled across this photo of Dougy from 2013 while piddling through my photo files today. I found it charming and think it’s worth a replay!

Nothing beats a good nose rub!

Nothing beats a good nose rub!

Post 864: “It’s about time!”

Poor kitties! I was at the military museum well past four pm today and the boys were hungry.

Never mind there was dry food out in case I was late, always a possibility, and water ~ they wanted their wet kitty food…NOW!

Supper is super say the boys, but it best better be on time next time! (We know where you sleep...!)

Supper is super say the boys, but it best better be on time next time!
(We know where you sleep…!)

Post 863: Andy avoids his medicine…

“He saw me coming!”

Andy literally saw me coming today to get him for his dose of medicine. That was all it took.

Andy takes up a strategic position under the computer desk. He cann see me from there.

Andy takes up a strategic position under the computer desk.
He can see me from there.

It's a waiting game now. Andy feels secure enough he rests his eyes a bit....!

It’s a waiting game now.
Andy feels secure enough he rests his eyes a bit….!

Not for long, though. He needs to stay alert if he's to avoid his medicine today! Andy is confident he will win.

Not for long, though. He needs to stay alert if he’s to avoid his medicine today!
Andy is confident he will win.


UPDATE: Andy stretched out at my feet shortly after I posted this, and all I had to do was reach down to catch him. He got his dose and his treats today after this short drama. 

Post 862: a rare Dougy sighting photo…

The stealthy Dougy thought I didn’t notice him on top of Andy’s favorite perch, the blue carrier on the settee…! I had just enough time to snap off a shot of the miscreant before he made his escape.

Dougy violates Andy's space.

Dougy violates Andy’s space, sniffing around. Of course, more importantly, he leaves his stench for Andy for discover! 

Curses, Dougy! I shall get you in a sharp photo yet, both eyes wide open!

Dougy slips away...!

Dougy slips away…! Sasquatch is easier to photograph.

Post 861: in which I sneak photos of Dougy birdwatching…

Dougy never is easy to photograph but it isn’t impossible.

Classic: Dougy closes his eyes as soon as he sees the camera!

Classic: Dougy closes his eyes as soon as he sees the camera.

...but there's something of interest outside so he has to open his eyes a little...!

…but there’s something of interest outside so he has to open his eyes a little…


Post 859: efficiency and the US Postal Service…

Let’s say I want to mail my car registration tax and fees check to the Box Butte County Treasurer’s office at the Courthouse. I do do this, incidentally, since it seems every time I go to the courthouse, the elevator in this 101-year-old building is not operational or the sheriff has access blocked for security reasons.

Since stairs are an ordeal for me, using the drop box actually makes sense. Going up isn’t the bad part. Coming down is as muscular weakness sets in, and I experience legs giving out…! 

Yellow circle at bottom is mail drop box...; red circle is on the courthouse.

Yellow circle at bottom is mail drop box…; red circle is on the courthouse.

Wait! This isn’t hypothetical! This is what happens: I put my envelope in the drop box. If I beat the daily pick up deadline, it continues on its path to the courthouse that day. Otherwise, it sits there till the next day.

Once the envelope’s removed from the drop box, it goes inside the post office to be rerouted to the distribution center in North Platte, Nebraska, a 384 mile (618km) round trip by contract truck. While in North Platte, the envelope is sorted by address — a Post Office Box in this example — and re-rerouted to Alliance for distribution to that POB.

Someone from the courthouse stops by the post office to pick up the mail. The 384 mile round trip is for a piece of mail that needs to move 185 feet (113m) from a drop box south of the post office building to the courthouse in the next block north.

Alliance to North Platte and back: 384 miles round trip.

Alliance to North Platte and back: 384 miles round trip.

Seriously, for 49 cents worth of postage, I get to be outraged at the absurdity of a distribution system that counts a 384 mile round trip as the most efficient way to handle a piece of mail moving 185 feet from the drop box to an address a block away!

(Illustrations come from Google Earth.)