1135: Dougy muses about the mouse and Andy starts to wonder…

"What's up, Andrew?"

“What’s up, Andrew?”


“Nothing…!” Andy pretends to be interested in what’s outside.

"I have a hard time buying that, brother...."

“I have a hard time buying that, brother….” opines Dougy, who notices the “mouse”.

[Andy sneaks a peek.]

[Andy sneaks a peek.] “He calls this a mouse, but it doesn’t look like one to me.”

Andy begins to wonder if there's any fun left staying here.

[Dougy seems fixated on the mouse. He’s ignoring Andy.] Andy begins to wonder if there’s any fun left staying here.

Time passes.

[Time passes.] “Yes, a mouse!” Andy’s beginning to wonder about Dougy and this “mouse”!

"Dougy, I think you are going nuts!" "Hey, I didn't say it's a mouse. He did!"

“Dougy, I think you are going nuts!”
“Hey, I didn’t say it’s a mouse. He did!”