Post 1288: a lazy Sunday post…

It’s a good day to post random thoughts and a few non-related extra photos of kitties enjoying videos for cats. I have nothing much in mind or planned otherwise!


It’s a lazy Sunday morning. The kitty boys had their kitty food and are lazing and taking kitty baths.


Dougy likes the squirrel video best!

Andy stopped by briefly to get “scritched” on the chin and chest, his favorite thing. A little later, Dougy love, love, loved getting brushed while lounging on his ottoman, his favorite thing. Bliss! Two happy kitties!


Oops! Inevitably, he gets over-excited and tries to catch what he sees on the screen!

I made myself French toast with cinnamon and cardamom that I topped with melted butter, confectioner’s sugar, and strawberry-rhubarb jam made in an Amish colony in Ohio. Oh the indulgence that!!


Andy likes the squirrel video best, too! He’d love to catch one or two.

I ground some roasted coffee beans in my little Cuisinart coffee grinder and made an extra strong cup of coffee to deal with all that sweetness of the French toast. Whew! It took an extra mug of water to finish the task! No wonder I don’t make this particular variation on French toast that often.


Here, Andy contemplates a bald eagle. No, no, no, Andy! That’s the national bird! (Besides, it’s much larger than you think, and you’re just a kitty!)

[This last photo I converted to black and white because the light on the end table has a deep orangey-red cast that can’t be toned down from certain angles.]