Post 1289: “Don’t go away mad, just go away!”

The kitty boys mostly get along. They are brothers after all and have spent their entire lives together except a few days when I first brought Andy home. They have their moments, though, just because!



Dougy’s watching his brother closely. He’s getting too close to Dougy’s ottoman!

I put the laptop on the floor between the recliner and Dougy’s ottoman so both kitty boys could enjoy the squirrel and bird video. Dougy was more interested in what his brother had in mind than the video. Andy innocently crossed an invisible line!

Yeah! Andy got engrossed in the video and hopped down to look at the exciting images more closely. Dougy took offense because Andy stepped into the invisible boundary line around his territory, the ottoman! The chase was on! And Dougy took his poor brother down!

The chase ended in a standoff, with Andy on the computer desk (his territory) and Dougy holding him there from the recliner.

“…and you stay there, brother!”

For a short time Dougy held his brother there, then he wandered off to the guest bedroom to take his morning nap. Andy came back to the recliner and finished watching the kitty video.

Not to worry, though, because the kitty boys were best friends and brothers again after Dougy had his nap.