Post 1414: Dougy returns to the computer desk…

Dougy saw me at the computer desk and came over for some welcome “scritching”. His favorite place since kittenhood, he knows it will bring on good times…


…but, let’s face it, his flamingo-colored tub holds one cat just so! 




8 thoughts on “Post 1414: Dougy returns to the computer desk…

    • My desktop’s been down for some time now, and I’ve come to prefer my laptop. I should get the PC working again so I have an alternative way to do my blog, for example. I also have some useful programs on the PC that aren’t on the laptop.

    • You know it! It takes all his will power to leave the computer mouse alone! As for the tub, I suspect the attraction is its perfect size. He can watch the world from that height and is supported perfectly by the stiff walls.

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