Post 1502: Spider the tabbycat, RIP

Spider was a kitty that lived with The Mad Cat Lady for 18 years. Spider’s sibling, also 18 years old, survives.

Though you probably come here for light humor, a chuckle, we know our animal companions live too short lives, something we will inevitably face at some point in our lives.

My blogo-friend, The Mad Cat Lady, came to that point yesterday, September 2, when her beloved Spider died in her arms. This post is dedicated to her and her beloved Spider. I send her hugs and tears for her Spider. Spider died from a mouth cancer.

She writes:

Spider left this world very peacefully at around 13:20 hrs today, 2nd September 2017, in the comfort of our own home. I held him in my arms until his last breath and for a few minutes afterwards, before my vet Marga took him away to be cremated, and I will receive the urn with his ashes in about a week to 10 days’ time.

I have been around friends all afternoon which really helped take my mind off things, but now, being at home, it is really hard because everything reminds me of him. The sheet that he died on even smells of him still, but after spending 5 minutes sniffing it and crying into it, I told myself that I need to move on and I put it in the washing machine. I have never been one for living in the past, and even though Spider’s passing is going to hurt for a long time to come, I have to be strong and look after his twin brother Lugosi (also 18 years old) and his half sister Ruby, and I also need to look after myself – something which I have not been doing for that last few weeks since Spider’s cancer diagnosis.

I told Spider before he left this world, that time works differently “up there” and that for me it will be many years before we meet again, but for him it will just be like an hour and then I will be right there again with him in no time. And Lugosi too.

I just stopped crying for about 10 minutes and now it’s starting again. But most of you will know what losing a pet is like, so I know you will understand. Rest in peace, Spider, my beautiful boy.

If you have a moment, please leave Barbarella (The Mad Cat Lady) a note of condolence. She needs a world-wide hug just now. Thank you.





101 thoughts on “Post 1502: Spider the tabbycat, RIP

  1. My deepest sympathy to Barbarella on the loss of her companion cat, Spider. Spider will get daffodils in the garden here in his memory. He is not far from her, only just out of sight and never far from mind. There is a song she can can find on YouTube by Don Conoscenti called “The Other Side”. It will make one cry, but also bring peace.

  2. I know how if feel this unconditional love
    That your pet gives you,and for the most part all they want is a soft pet
    So sad to hear that we lost a pet in our community, I can feel it all the way her,As Sheldon Always

  3. Pingback: Dealing with my grief after losing Spider | The Mad Cat Lady

  4. it is such a sad moment and it is such a hard time we go through after we lost a furkid, a friend and a soulmate… hugs to Barbarella and hugs to all who are sad… our tears are like diamaonds and every tear is precious because it is for a friend we will never forget…

  5. I wanted to leave a comment, but her blog asked for me to sign up so I’ll just leave it here:
    Another cat shaped hole in our hearts. Are we mad to put ourselves through it over and over again?

    • Yes, that is a road block if your aren’t already signed up like I am. I will leave her a link to my blog post on Spider wo she can read all of the thoughts and consolations from you and others reading about Spider here.

      I think you are somehow right about how allowing ourselves to somehow forget the pain of losing a furfriend and adopting another fragile life. I mean, I agreed to take Andy when I picked up the ashes of Louie the ginger cat two weeks after he died. I was instantly in love with the little fluffball when he walked over to investigate me, and then, later, I agreed to take on his brother, Dougy, because they played well together. There will be a day when they will pass and I will be heart-broken. I know it and dread that day.

  6. I didn’t know Spider or his mom but can identify the feelings. I lost a good furry buddy that was 17 and I swear I was rocked through to the bone. No one could console me…I certainly understand where she is right now. Purrayers for a smooth transition.


    • Barbarella is very close to her kitties, and they are very much family to her. I feel terrible about Spider’s passing, too, and I hope everyone’s comments on her blog and here let her know many people care around the world.

      • I know what you mean. Benji and Ms. Z. are my family too. You want to protect them with all your might. It’s hard to let them go. And then there is society who is generally not ready to see them as family which makes mourning so much harder. Wishing Barbarella strength.

  7. I went to the site and checked out the lovely photos of Spider. Oh my. Sad to lose a buddy. 😿😢💔

    I could not keep reading because my eyes started to well up, my nose started to run and my jaw got really tight. Oh the loss of our little furbabies is so incredibly heartbreaking.

    • I had a hard time typing condolences to Barbarella, then doing the weggieboy’s blog post for the same reason. It took me a long time to sort my way through the tears and the errors that cropped up because I was typing blind. Thanks to following The Mad Cat Lady blog for some time, I felt like I knew Spider quite well, and I will miss his contribution to that blog.

      • I don’t know why I feel sad for those of people’s cats I’ve never met. It’s not that I reminisce about any cat I’ve lost either.

        There is another cat blog I follow: Steinbeck and Hemingway … And when the previous orange tabby died a tragic death I just bawled. I don’t even know the blogger or those cats! I’m not sure why I get so attached.

        And if and when … Ugh … I hate to bring it up … Your little guys go you will not be alone in your grief!

        On a side note, I belong to a neighborhood social networking group called Nextdoor; so many neighbors post about their missing kitty. My heart breaks for all of them too because I know that hollow worrying feeling when your cat does not come home.

        Thankfully your little buddies and mine are indoor dwellers … One less thing to worry about! We have to enjoy our little furry buddies while we can and provide comforting words as best we can to those who lose their kitties.

        • I feel sad every time I read someone’s blog telling of a furbuddy – any species – dying. I do think about the time I will have to deal again with this. When Louie the ginger cat died, I swore I wouldn’t get another pet…then I got two! I confess, the power of a kitten appeals to every weakness I have for animals. Had I seen a puppy at that point, i probably would be writing a blog called “weggieboy’s blog ~ surviving retirement with one pup” or some such.

          • I think you are right! Or two sisters or one of each. With the exception of my first kitty, Freckles the grey tabby, all my pets have been male, but Freckles was such a sweet kitty, I think I probably would have given consideration for another female kitty or pup, had I been offered one.

          • That’s what happens when you type by the hunt and peck method and you hit two keys at once, creating a word that spell check recognizes as a legitimate word! I hit the “p” off center and picked up the neighboring “o” at the same time, hence “poets”. If the kitty boys are writing poetry, they have yet to show any to me!

            (I went back and corrected it because I am a bit compulsive about that sort of thing! Thanks for bringing it to my attention!)

          • Yep! I can imagine my little furball sipping espresso, smoking catnip, and saying “like meow, kitty” or some other Kool Kat thing to the less cool squares hanging out trying to be cool!

        • I agree. He was a big part of The Mad Cat Lady blog, etc. You do have videos of him, however, and that (I know from personal experience) is something you will cherish more and more as the pain shifts of sadness, then remembrance. I don’t have a lot of my late Louie the ginger cat, but the only one that makes me cry these days is the one where he’s in the dryer, looks up at me and meows. That’s the only recording of his voice I have. It tears my heart out every time…

          • Yes, I have loads of photos from when they were little (printed, not digital) and lots of photos and videos online and a huge library of them on my computer. I don’t know how many photos and videos I have of them exactly, but it is thousands, maybe even 10s of thousands, spanning since the year 2000 until now. At least you do have that one little video of Louie, and the rest of him is inside your memories and your heart. 🙂

          • I am much better supplied with videos and photos of the kitty boys since I got them as kittens in 2011. I barely started taking photos and videos of Louie before he died, and I have exactly one photo of poor little Freckles, a very sweet tabby.

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