29Oct29: Let it snow! The kitty boys experience the fluffy stuff.

Andy and Dougy always wanted to see the snow. Andy never ventured beyond the door, but Dougy wanted to explore.

A weather channel asked to show this one. I was more than happy to let them! 

See what I mean about my explorer kitty boy, Dougy! (Notice how orange Dougy’s eyes were – his best feature.)

Fluffy snow! This was a rare time Dougy didn’t want to explore and Andy didn’t come to the door.

This is the earliest snow episode featuring the kitty boys, who were a year and three months old at the time. You see Dougy exploring outside and Andy barely coming to the door, a pattern that they followed the rest of Dougy’s life and Andy to this day.

Dougy’s curiosity about the outside once cost him a few hours out in the cold when he slipped past me to explore when I was checking the weather. I posted a $200 reward for his return and he was found about 100 feet away from my front door, cowering behind a snow drift! The experience didn’t change his desire to explore outside but it changed my way to check the weather! From then on – even now, though Andy isn’t as interested in the outdoor life – I never open the door that I don’t check for a kitty boy looking to experience the wild life!