15May22: “Yer gotta be joking!”

I interrupted Andy’s bath to tempt him to play.

“What!? What!? What!?”  

Andy is incredulous. “Obviously, this isn’t play time, Douglas!”

So Andy goes back to the task at hand.

11May22: Maybe we played too long, you think?

Andy’s played for several minutes now.

I tossed the Neko toys his way again; he swatted once…


Then he took a nap, his toy secured under his paw.

09May22: must be kitty food time…

The cabinet door in the kitchen was open.

Uh oh! It’s kitty food time, I bet!

I returned to the front room to find Andy, impatiently waiting.

I said the magic words “kitty food time” and Andy ran to the kitchen.

Yes! He was about to get kitty food and he was more than ready!

It was kitty food time!!

08May22: a better plan…

“King Solomon’s Mine” is on, Andy. Don’t you want to block the captions?

Gad! What a waste of Paul Robeson’s talent!

Maybe Andy has the right idea.

Never mind! Take your nap!

07May22: the kitty isn’t playing, hint, hint…

I tried catching Andy’s attention.

He rolled over and caught the Neko toy, giving it a kitty coup de grâce…

…before he pinned it down with his paw. Enough! 

No play for now. He hopped onto the ottoman and had a cat nap.