Post 461: the boys’ new haircuts

As promised, here are photos of the boys’ new haircuts!

Dougy poses nicely for his photo. (Of course, I took eight others that were blurs of cat exiting the frame!)

Dougy poses nicely for his photo. (Of course, I took eight others that were blurs of cat exiting the frame!)

What a pretty boy he is when he’s groomed nicely!

Don't under-estimate the added cuteness Andy accrues when he gets "prettied up"!

Don’t under-estimate the added cuteness Andy accrues when he gets “prettied up”!

Once again the Murphy’s Grooming Boutique team did a great job with Andy and Dougy! Sara is an artist when it comes to cutting cat hair, and (amazingly!) the report I get is the boys are good while there. What I especially like about Sara’s work is how the boys come out looking trimmed but not scalped, neater but not prissy. No ribbons for my boys’ necks! 🙁 Unless it’s for “Best Groomed Kitty”, of course.

Go for the teddy bear cut, cat people. The lion cut is too extreme and not dignified.

Post 355: Partial evidence of a trip to the groomers

I haven’t had much cooperation from the boys today. I’ll post photos of them with their new teddy bear cuts as soon as I can get something decent. Till then, here are a couple so-so photos of Andy, one blurred beyond recognition. Nothing but the best for readers of this blog! Too bad you aren’t getting it today, however.

When I came home from my haircut, Andy'd taken over my computer chair. He was not happy to move...!

When I came home from my haircut, Andy’d taken over my computer chair. He was not happy to move…!

Scat, kitty! That's MY chair!

Scat, kitty! That’s MY chair!

The seat was nice and warm, thanks to Andy. Thanks, boy! You are a “goodish” kitty!