Post 737: Seriously, what was Dougy thinking…??

Andy’s a little guy, but don’t think he is a pussycat when Dougy steps outside well-defined kitty territorial lines! Yet he did just that.

It's obvious to all Andy's claimed not only the empty box here, but the over-turned wastepaper basket: "MINE!"

It’s obvious to all Andy claims not only the empty box here, but the over-turned wastepaper basket, too: “MINE!”

Yet even Andy has to take a break. So, despite Dougy’s presence in the room, Andy goes for a drink of water at the fountain. It won’t take long, he figures.

Andy out of the way, Dougy snoops at the box and makes plans to scrunch into it as best he can...!

Andy out of the way, Dougy snoops at the box and makes plans to scrunch into it as best he can…! There’s a saying: “When the cat’s away the…” Oh no, that was mice, not cat brothers! Never mind! 

"No! No! No!" says Andy. Dougy gets caught in  mid-snoop.

“No! No! No!” says Andy. Dougy gets caught in mid-snoop.

This won’t do! He gives Doug the “Screaming Mad Stink Eye that Makes Fur Fall Off Your Tail and Your Whiskers Take Off and Run” look all cats know is serious business. And Dougy knows it is serious business. Dougy heads on out, pronto! dougy gives it up for andy

Whew! Dougy got away with it this time, but only because he heeded Andy’s message. AND, though the magazines by the computer desk also are Andy’s, Andy can’t be both there and over at the box and wastepaper basket, too. Dougy plays his cards well!

One eye on Dougy and the other on the box, Andy verifies all is how he left it. Dougy's stink will leave soon enough!

One eye on Dougy and the other on the box, Andy verifies all is how he left it. Dougy gets away with the magazine matter this time !

Dougy once again finds out Andy is a tough little bugger when it comes to HIS things!

Must be time to feed the kitties. When I got up this morning — that is, when the cats got me up…– they both had innocent looks on their chops and all the wastepaper baskets were tipped over and rummaged through. They are not subtle!